Let’s Get Personal…

Photographs by @7thVizion

Welcome to my life,

It’s not socially acceptable to some and to others it’s alternative. But, for me, this is my dream come true. So, let me tell you what it’s like to be me.

It took me little-to-no-time to realize I was not manageable. I was never meant to be working under someone else let alone under the spell of capitalism. From my very first job, naturally, I quickly learned I needed to be my own boss no matter what I was doing.

Early on, I knew I wanted to help people. I started my first career as a Licensed Massage Therapist. I was amazed that I could help relieve pain and potentially heal my client whom laid in-front of me. It gave me a rush and thrill every time I heard, “My back is no longer in pain,” “Your hands are magic,” “I’ve never felt this release before.” I needed more.

I kept in medicine but shifted to Phlebotomy. I ran several locations where I worked with folks in recovery through rehabilitation centers. I still wanted to help but pricking people with needles to test their blood wasn’t exactly keeping me interested. I needed more. I needed something faster paced. I NEEDED RELEASE.

In 2018, I officially entered the lifestyle and joined the rest of the perverts on their trip to self discovery.

I met a woman who came into my work establishment leading two grown men by way of leash and collar. They followed her every step. Without missing a beat they kept a steady trail one foot behind her and two paces to the left, the other to the right. She entered the room demanding attention and respect. I watched her make her rounds on the room. When she turned to my direction, we locked eyes instantly. It was as if she could feel me yearning for more. I had to know her.

Without hesitation, I approached her. She knew what I wanted before I arrived. She was dominant from head to toe. She gave me the encouragement I needed to spend the next several years researching and learning. I became increasingly obsessed with female dominance. Who knew my affinity for sadism had a whole niche corner that was just waiting for me to arrive? I was IN and I wanted more.

With nothing but time and inspiration on my hands I decided to get professional about domination. Suddenly my entire life course had shifted. I was born to take my natural gifts and put them to use. Once I learned the healing benefits, there was no looking back for me.

In 2020, I quit my day job and took on full time domination after two full years of training. My dream had come true. I was my own boss, I could travel anywhere in the world, I could spend time with my family, I was financially stable. I couldn’t ask for anything else.

I’m certain that at this point you’re wondering, “How the hell does femdom heal?” My first response to you is to do your own research. I’ve curated an entire page to finding more information and the psychology behind several kinks. You can access that here. BUT.. I will give you an answer still.

Yes, it’s beneficial. Does stroking help you to relieve stress? Now, think deeper. BDSM is more than just stroking. It’s about having the ability to access your deepest, darkest desires and to bring those fantasies to life. It allows the CEO, who makes head-honcho decisions for his company, the opportunity to lose himself in a safe and controlled environment. For just one hour, he gets to be his true self. With someone who accepts him for that. It’s for the woman who’s suffered sexual assault and is learning to love her body and accept pleasure again. It can help process grief, self judgement, let off steam and so so much more. Aren’t you intrigued?

So, "What about domination do you love the most? What kept you interested?”

This is a question that’s stuck with me for a while. Year after year I revisit this question to 1. make sure my values are still on track and 2. to check in on my progression. Year after year, my answer remains the same. And, it’s simple. There’s been a few too many times where I have not been in control of situations with men that lead to my safety being compromised. Domination has allowed me to never, ever, feel that suffrage again. I’m allowed to be in a space alone with a man and feel comfortable. My skin doesn’t crawl, the hair on the back of my neck doesn’t stand, I don’t have to consistently look over my shoulder. When in/around a scene, I am in control. I’m in control of all of the client’s actions, my actions and the actions to come next. There’s no need for worry, fear or anxiety when I have all the power.

The second portion of this is easy. “What’s kept me in domination?” I can maintain and grow relationships with men who want nothing but the best for me. Who worship me. Those who keep me safe. It’s helped me heal, if you can’t read between the lines. To be in a safe, controlled environment to be yourself for just a few minutes of shared time… THAT‘S what’s kept me in it. I over came my battles and I’m here to help you with yours.

What Should I Know About You?

  • Eats: Birria Tacos, Anything and everything Mexican food, Chilaquiles, Strawberry/Orange flavors, cookie dough ice cream, Sour candies and Chile limon lays.

    Drinks: Silver Clase Azul Tequila (I drink liquor straight on ice), Brothers Bond bourbon, Any kind of wine WITH pairings, and plain ole water.

    Scents: Floral/Mature scents. I’m fairly open to new things as long as it smells good and sexy. FAVORITE scent if Gucci Bloom.

    Things to do: DIY projects, pottery, go outdoors, experience life. I want to do anything and everything.

    Good Gifts to get me: Anything from my wishlist but if you want to make an impressions, I’ll let you in on a secret.. Wine with pairings, BDSM equipment/toys, gold or silver jewelry, airfare gift card or airbnb gift card, flowers, Indica (packaged and sealed). These would all be good. I’m happy to received anything, i’m not incredibly picky or ungrateful.

  • Height: 5’2

    Weight: I don’t weigh myself but I am curvy in all the right places.

    Build: Curvy build to hourglass

    Shoe size: 8.5-9 depending on brand. 9 (to be safe)

    Hair/eye color: Brown eyes, Brown Hair.

  • The best way I can put it is Sensual Sadism. I thrive in an environment where I can torment you in every way possible: physical, mental, emotional.

    I’m capable of adapting to my environment and applying my perfect skills to any domination style that’s preferred. Although, I much rather stick to my natural talents.

    Other Dominant persona’s I cater to and often use are: Maternal, Bratty, Cruel and Strict.

  • Avoid using any mysogenistic tones, words and language. You will be corrected if not asked to leave and/or blocked.

    Don’t ever feel comfortable call me: Goddess, baby, wifey, mama etc. I am Mistress Gia and nothing but.

    Don’t touch me without my permission unless you want to get knocked out of your boots.

    Avoid politics. I don’t care about your political views. I strongly advise you mind your business and not worry about mine.

    Mentioning drama, hear-say and name dropping other professional providers. What is not my business, I do not want to hear about.

    Please be respectful and do not ask me intricate personal details of my life as I will not do this to you. Once our relationship has reached a point of trust, we may discuss these things but please - value my discretion as I value yours.